Graduate students aren't supposed to have lazy sundays, but I just had one. To be fair (to myself!), I did get quite a bit of apartment-cleaning and errand-running done. But otherwise, nothing very productive... why do weekend days always go by so quickly? I always intend to get so much done, and then all of a sudden it's Monday morning.
Anyway, one "errand" I ran today was a quick trip to ikea to pick up a frame for the new poster I recently ordered and received from Mat Daly.
Twenty dollar poster plus twenty dollar frame equals one pretty picture, I think! And one fewer bare walls in my now clean apartment.
Last thing for today! I recently finished this partly-knit necklace, and I'm not completely in love with it. In my head, it was supposed to be a chunky, sophisticated, textural necklace... but the finished object is a little hokier (is that even a word?) than I would have liked. It reminds me too much of 60's macrame, I think. Is it the colours? The shape of the beads? Any advice on how to fix it up?